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reading mode

Registered: Jan 9 2007
Posts: 4

We are looking for a javasript which opens a document in the reading mode within a browser.
Thank you for your solutions, Bob

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
What do you mean by "Reading Mode"? Do you mean "Read-Out-Loud"?

Or do you mean the "Reading Mode" that's on the view menu? This option removes all the Acrobat controls and zooms the page to fit width. Both of these options can be set from the Advanced tab on the document properties dialog. No JavaScript necessary.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
If you meant "Read-Out-Loud", then you can activate it from a menu item in Acrobat 7 and earlier. Use the PageOpen event for the first page of the PDF, and a "Execute a Menu Item" action. Or from JavaScript like this:


There are no good options for Acrobat 8, since menu access is restricted in this version. In Acrobat JS there is a TTS object (text to speach). But to use it you need to be at least an intermediate programmer. Look it up if your interested.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Apr 25 2008
Posts: 10
thomp wrote:
If you meant "Read-Out-Loud", then you can activate it from a menu item in Acrobat 7 and earlier. Use the PageOpen event for the first page of the PDF, and a "Execute a Menu Item" action. Or from JavaScript like this:app.execMenuItem("ADBE:ReadAloudStart");

There are no good options for Acrobat 8, since menu access is restricted in this version. In Acrobat JS there is a TTS object (text to speach). But to use it you need to be at least an intermediate programmer. Look it up if your interested.
My first post.... I'm one step before even a beginner programmer but are you saying that with Acrobat 8 Professional, there isn't an easy way to have a PDF file automatically open and read out loud? I currently have Acrobat 6 Professional but I've found that my button I've created to read out loud won't work in Acrobat Reader 8 (because the menu was changed around). If I have Acrobat 8 Professional, can I create a button to that will allow a visually impaired person to click so that the document is read out loud to them in Reader 8? (We're trying to make sure our non-profit website is 508 compliant, including our PDF files.)

