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Referencing scripted properties of fields

Registered: Aug 16 2007
Posts: 97

How do I reference a fields scripted properties. I would like to obtain the event properties (mouse up, on focus etc) of a field as well as the formatting and custom validation scripts. I only see how to assign them in the Acrobat reference guide - not how to reference them. Thanks, as always.

Andrew D. Albrecht, MS
Solutions Developer

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
Registered: Nov 15 2005
Posts: 51
Andrew, by "reference" do you mean reference the code that is inside those events or handle the events as they occur from those objects?
Registered: Aug 16 2007
Posts: 97
Lee, thanks for looking into this.
Here is the scenario:

I have written a script that 'changes the names of fields' on an abode acrobat (not livecycle) form.

Essentially what it does is capture all the fields properties, delete the field, make a new field with the new name and apply all the old field's properties to the new field.

The JavaScript manual makes no mention of obtaining the value of the event properties, format properties, or custom scripts on the fields (keystroke, calculation etc).

What I need to do is look at each of the fields events and custom scripts, see if there is a value in any of them. If there is, store it in a variable and then when I make the new field I can do a setAction() to add it to the new field.

However, the setAction will work for events but what about the calculation scripts and keystroke scripts? How would I add those using Javascript?

I hope that makes sense. the script works great except for this part.
I have no way of capturing the values of any keystroke validation scripts, event properties, field formats or anything like that.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
- Andrew

Andrew D. Albrecht, MS
Solutions Developer