Directly, I don't think that it is possible, but what you could do is this:
1. Set the cropbox to the area you want to get
2. Print to PDF (if Acrobat lets you do that), otherwise, print to PS and then Distill
1. Set the cropbox to the area you want to get
2. Use the saveAs Doc object method with an appropriately set cConvID argument (for syntax and important notes see the Acrobat JavaScript documentation)
1. Set the cropbox to the area you want to get
2. Print to PDF (if Acrobat lets you do that), otherwise, print to PS and then Distill
1. Set the cropbox to the area you want to get
2. Use the saveAs Doc object method with an appropriately set cConvID argument (for syntax and important notes see the Acrobat JavaScript documentation)
Hope this can help.