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securing PDF with javascript

Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 14


I have several PDF forms created in Professional 8 that members of our staff will fill out using Reader. Our staff will then send these forms to specific customers. How can we lock down the completed forms that we send our customers so they cannot change the content of the document. We want them to have the ability to print the documents, and possible save them, but we don't want them to have the ability to change the content. Our customers be using Reader to open the docs, not Professional.

I have built a button that attaches the PDF to email, resets the form fields and closes the document when the button is selected. Is there a javascript that we could add to this button that would also secure the document (as described above) at the same time?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
After your staff completes the form the form can be flattened with Acrobat's JavaScript "flattenPages()", essentaily removing the field and leaving the content of the field visible and printable as part of the PDF. Any hidden fields or visible but do not print will be come visible and printable. One could add a button on the form, add a menu option to Acrobat or a tool button to Acorbat to perform this function.

George Kaiser

Registered: Mar 5 2008
Posts: 74
Not sure if your looking for this kind of answer but the low tech method we use at my company is file print select adobe pdf this hides all the buttons and non printiable items and forces our staff to look it over again before sending it out since they cant change the printed version. We then add in a signature field at this point because some of our customers are sneaky and will use professional to change amounts using the text touch up tool then send a change request back then dispute the original price quoted.

Hope your customers are more honest but doing it this way we have a locked down original file that we can compare against anything our customer edits.

Sorry if this isnt the answer your looking for