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SetAction with acrobat Reader

Registered: Sep 9 2008
Posts: 34

Hi, I have a pdf that I would like to set an action on it with acrobat reader, is it possible?

Is there a right that I have to enable so I can put my script on it?

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
You might want to include more details about what you're trying to accomplish. Are you asking about using the setAction JavaScript method of a document, field, link, etc.? If so, none can work with Reader (rights or not), but there may be other approaches you can take if you provide more info.

Registered: Jul 25 2006
Posts: 255
Setting Actions in Reader using JavaScript is not possible, because it is restricted to a "full version" Acrobat.

You might, however, look at FDF, which has several possibilities to introduce Actions into a document and/or field, and this has been working within Reader since Acrobat 3...

Hope this can help.

Max Wyss.