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Registered: Feb 1 2008
Posts: 5

> HI, I want to be able to hide all pages of the pdf but keep an activation page
> visible. This page would have a form field. The user would enter in an unlock
> code, if correct it would unhide the rest of the document, if not the document
> would remain hidden. Is this possible? I imagine javascript would be used.
> Thanks in advance.

Actually I just copy this question from my research, the question was made on 2004, and is exactly what I'm looking for, do you have any suggestion if this can be done?

Now, since the user can disable JS I want to compile the pdf with the page hidden, and the user will only available to read the document if they enable JS. Do you have maybe other work around for this? or other suggestion?



Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
If the question was asked in 2004, then I imagine the answer was to use page templates. This was the only solution at that time and required the PDF to be enabled with "Page Template" Reader Rights. Which reqired the PDF Rights server. This is still true today, only the names have changed, it now requires the "LiveCycle Rights" server that's needed.

But now there are a couple of alternative solutions.
1. Use a Dynamic LiveCycle form. This does not require rights enabling to work on Reader.
2. Use Layers to hide form content. You can find out about this at:

The Acrobat 8 JavaScript DOM includes a parameter for requiring JS to be turned on before the document will open. See the "doc.addRequirement()" function in the Acrobat JavaScript Reference.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Feb 1 2008
Posts: 5
Thanks for your help, I'm going to start reading about it... :)