I have Adobe Standard installed on my Desktop and I will like to use that to split large PDF Files using Bookmark. I read in a couple of forums that I can do so with the Execute Method of Javascript. However I am not able to do so.
I have the following code written. Can anyone help me with this.
Some of the lines in the code have been deleted for simplicity.
Private Sub SplitPDF()
Dim PDFDoc As Object
Dim JSO As Object
Dim PDFCompletePath As String
PDFCompletePath = "C:\Documents and Settings\ragarwal\My Documents\My Docs\PDFTest\Test.pdf"
Dim BookMarkRoot As Object
Dim BookMarks As Variant
Dim LevelCount As Long
Set PDFDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
If PDFDoc.Open(PDFCompletePath) Then
Set JSO = PDFDoc.GetJSObject
BookMarks = JSO.BookMarkRoot.Children
LevelCount = UBound(BookMarks)
Dim FirstNode
FirstNode = BookMarks(0).Children
Dim i As Integer
Dim CurrentRootNode
For i = 0 To LevelCount
CurrentRootNode = BookMarks(i).Children
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
George Kaiser