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Submit XFDF data

Registered: Aug 29 2007
Posts: 38

Is there anyway to submit raw XFDF data via an email like FDF can?
The reason for this question is the data will be extracted and scripted to populate another program and is not needed for acrobat thereafter.
I could script FDF data but it looks messy compared.

Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
You can call exportAsXFDFStr and send the result in a plain email using mailMsg, can't you?

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Registered: Aug 29 2007
Posts: 38
Accepted Answer
Cheers fellas I hadn't thought of sending as a string:
Here is my final code:

var cMyMsg = "XFDF Text Below:\n\n";
cMyMsg += this.exportAsXFDFStr();

bUI: true,
cTo: "myBoss [at] example [dot] com",
cSubject: "Translation", cMsg: cMyMsg
} );