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submitting form from attachment is not working in Reader 9

Registered: Nov 14 2008
Posts: 3


I m trying to submit form from attachment using this.submitForm() in pdf javascript. Its working fine in all versions but getting error in Reader 9.

While submitting form the error is like "adobe Reader 9.0 has encountered a problem and needs to close We are sorry for invonvenience"

How can I resolve this issue in Reader 9. Please help me

Rajesh Karka

My Product Information:
Reader 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
There are some different ways of submitting data that you can try. But what you are seeing is definately a bug. Contact Adobe Support. Hopefully they'll fix this for the next minor release.

But here are a couple of other techniques you can try.

1. Try using the built-in submit action. If it works your set, and if not it gives you a better idea of the scrope of the problem.

2. Try using one of the email submit functions such as "this.mailForm()"

3. Try activating the submit from the parent (main) PDF, like this

var oAttachedForm = this.openDataObject("MyForm");

4. Last Option: From a button script on the parent (main) PDF. Collect all the form data from the attached form, build a custom XML and then submit it. This way the submit is from the main PDF and not the attachement.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info

The Acrobat JavaScript Reference, Use it Early and Often

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script