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textfield input to only allow values in increments

Registered: May 19 2009
Posts: 6

How do I limit a textfield input to only allow the values in increments?
For Example, I have a text field that requires increments of $50.00, so a user should not be able to put in $75.00.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Jess_Miller,

There are a lot of ways you could approach doing that. You could use a pulldown list with increments of 50 as choices if you don't have an enormous number of choices. Or you could write a validation script that would blank the field out if it wasn't a multiple of 50 and then alert the user with a message box that it must be in increments of 50. Or you could use a custom keystroke script that would round the value to the nearest increment of 50, you deicde to round up ro down in the script.

So there are a variety of options- you will have to provide more details to get a more specific apporach to a solution.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: May 19 2009
Posts: 6
Thank you so much Dimitri for you reply!
I can not do a combo/list box, the choices are too many! I also do not want to round up, because I want the user to be able to choose, so I think the best thing would be the validation script to blank out the field with an alert message.

I am just learing script, so I am not 'fluent', but I do know a little....Can you give me a sample of what a script would look like ? If the user's would like to order 75 'pennies', I need a script that would notify them that 'pennies' need to be ordered in increments of 50, then the user could decide to order 50 or 100.
Make sense?
Registered: May 19 2009
Posts: 6
Well, with a little digging I answered my own question. In case anyone is interested, this is what I did:

I put this script under my Text Field Properties, Validate, Run Custom Validation Script:

if (event.value % 50) {app.beep(0); app.alert("Must be ordered in increments of 50"); event.rc = false;}