I'm having a tough time updating folder-level scripts. I've closed Acrobat, copied the updated .js script file into the appropriate folder (replacing the previous one), opened Acrobat again, and tried to run the script. But Acrobat insists on running the previous version of the script. I've even removed the file from the folder, restarted Acrobat, and Acrobat still runs the previous version. I can verify the change very easily, so I'm sure the problem has to do with loading the newer version of the script.
Any ideas? Thanks for the help!
To find your application and user JavaScript folders:
try {
var appJS = app.getPath("app", "javascript");
} catch(e) {
var appJS = "No path for application JavaScripts";
console.println("Application JavaScript folder: " + appJS);
try {
var userJS = app.getPath("user","javascript");
} catch(e) {
var userJS = "User has not defined any custom JavaScripts";
console.println("User JavaScript folder: " + userJS);
George Kaiser