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this.path syntax

Registered: Jul 17 2009
Posts: 21

I've got the following script that works fine for placing the absolute path of the PDF when printed.

this.addWatermarkFromText({cText: (this.path), nRotation:0, nVertValue:-124});

and it yields:

/domain/server/unit/snap/MyDirectory/Creating Custom Labels.pdf

Is there any way to script it so it is formatted like it would look in a footer in Excel for example?

Y:\MyDirectory\Creating Custom Labels.pdf (file located on remote server)


C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\Creating Custom Labels.pdf (file located on local C drive)

I'm using Acrobat Pro 7.1.0 on XP Pro SP3, do newer versions of Acrobat offer the automated footer path like the Office applications do?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Acrobat uses the so called "Acrobat Device Independent Format" for paths.


always has to be written as


to be valid for Acrobat.
There is no other way.

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LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Jul 17 2009
Posts: 21
Thanks for the feedback. Is there a way to concatenate plain text making it look like it's formatted C:\MyDirectory?

Short question: Acrobat Pro is not able to generate a file path/file name like Office products can, even with JavaScript, correct?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Acrobat/Reader are written to be OS independent since there are products for Windows, MacIntosh, and Unix os's.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jul 17 2009
Posts: 21
gkaiseril wrote:
Acrobat/Reader are written to be OS independent since there are products for Windows, MacIntosh, and Unix os's.
Thank you for the reply. But even Mac Office and Windows Office can both print file paths of documents. And just because they are OS independent, I can't install the .exe verison of Acrobat ProI'm just looking for the same in my printed PDF files created in Acrobat 7 (or greater) Professional and it sounds like it's not possible via automation.

I'll resort to copy/paste from Explorer for single documents, and for batch processing, with accept the limitations.
