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Unlink Javascript watermarks

Registered: Aug 2 2007
Posts: 5

Is there a way to stop layers I have created using javascript watermark ocgs being deleted or updated in acrobat 8.1 without using security?
They all go if a user chooses to remove/update watermark. I want them to behave independently of the system watermark. I dont think this was a problem in v7 ?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Yes, The Acrobat "Remove Watermark" menu item identifies the OCGs by name, i.e., "Watermark". Just change the name of the OCG with a little JavaScript in the Console Window. This Article explains it.


After which Acrobat will no longer identify it as a wartermark.

I haven't tested this. But a logical side effect should be that you can use Acrobat to delete any OCG marked content by simply naming it "WaterMark".

Thom Parker
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Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Aug 2 2007
Posts: 5
As far as i can tell this is not the case and all layers that get created are still somehow linked to the original watermark.
The problem can be replicated if you use the example file OCGAnimation.pdf
When you select remove watermark all the objects get deleted even if the layer has been renamed - I Don't want this to happen...Am I missing the point here?