Hi Thom
Could you please look back at the sripting I used in the question I asked on "Using Combo Boxs to Prepopulate Form Field" on Thu, Jan 18, 2007 and help me fix the scripting so it works.
Also, I have started reading JavaScript Demystified and Sams Teach Yourself JavaSript. Are there any other books you would recommend for a beginner? Is the book Extending Acrobat Forms with JavaScript still relevent or is it outdated?
Thank You so much for your help so far.
Any book that talks about Acrobat JavaScript at all is still mostly relevant no matter how old it is.
The best way to find out about Acrobat JS is to go to a Conference and take some classes and to search the web for aritcles, there are tons.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script