How would I use JS to open a link, from within a PDF file, into a new window that would have a specified Height and Width?
Here is my dilemma... I have a list of names and phone numbers that is in a PDF document. The list also has a link next to the name that reads "View Photo".
I would like to be able to click on that link and have a new window pop-up that displays the photo but within a window that is only slightly larger than the photo itself. For example, if the photo is 300x400... I would only want the window to be, say, 315x420. Note: all the photos are the same dimensions... so there will be no need for dynamic coding based on the size of the photo - the height and width of the window can be static.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for