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View Password Protected PDF

Registered: Aug 4 2007
Posts: 2

i need to open a protected pdf file in the browser (need password on open), i know the password, i just dont know how to pass this password programmatically to the browser. this is the first and urgent question. the second Q, is there any way to view the pdf file in the browser without allowing the client to save the file??
and is there a way to convert the pdf file to swf with the bookmark??
thank you very much

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8, Windows
Registered: Sep 28 2005
Posts: 248
You first question, the urgent one, is more or less pointless. In that, if you transmit the PW as part of the URL, that is required to be free text. The recipient can just copy it.

The second method would be to have a JavaScript ask for the PW, however, the PW has to be applied before the JS will activate.

Third method (possible), one PDF (encrypted) as an attachment to another (wrapper). The Wrapper PDF makes the call, via JS (does a form get data using a hidden form field) to a DB on your end via ADBC. Once the PW is in hand on the client side, the JS does a on the attached PDR, passing the reciently received PW as a parameter.

Even with this, the PW could stil, easily, be sniffed out of the data stream or during execution of the JS.

Fourth (recomended*) method - LiveCycle RightsManagement ES. Solid security there.

Your second question - No. PDFs are handled via browsers as file links within the HTML code. The .PDF MIME type is used to activate the Acrobat/Reader browser helpers. Because they are files that you are allowing to open (which requires the copying of some (byte serving) or all of the file locally) you are also allowing the file to be saved.

* The LiveCycle product is recomended simply because not only do you not care if the file is downloaded, you still have control of the file after it has been downloaded.

For your third question - I will pass that along to someone more experienced with Flash.

Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.