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What is the trick for getting the strokeColor property to work?

Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368

What is the trick to getting the strokeColor property to work?

I am working on a script to programatically build a button on a page and I want to set the border color to blue. I cannot get it to work. I have even tried the line of code below on a field that allready exists but has a transparent border.

getField("Btn.ShowExample").strokeColor = color,blue;

Here is the result when I run the line of code above in the console.

InvalidSetError: Set not possible, invalid or unknown.
Field.strokeColor:1:Console undefined:Exec

I have been looking through the documentation and cannot find anything to let me know what else I need to do. Does anyone have an idea of what I need to do to make this work?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
Oh heck! Never mind. I just realized my dumb mistake. It's not color,blue but with a period not a comma. Nothing like feeling dumb on a Friday over a teeny thing like a comma. I think I'll go ice fishing tomorrow and freeze my tail off and hope I catch something.


Registered: Nov 5 2008
Posts: 46
StevenD wrote:
Oh heck! Never mind. I just realized my dumb mistake. It's not color,blue but with a period not a comma. Nothing like feeling dumb on a Friday over a teeny thing like a comma. I think I'll go ice fishing tomorrow and freeze my tail off and hope I catch something.
...hopefully not a cold!

If that were the worst mistake I'd made! We won't discuss how many variable name/capitalization errors I've made alone. =) Have fun!
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
Thanks. I hope it will be fun. Never done that kind of fishing before. Yes hopefully no cold. Just fish for the frying pan.
