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What is a validation script?

The X
Registered: Mar 27 2011
Posts: 24

I don't quite undertand the difference between a validation script and a script triggered by an Onblur() event.
When exactly is it triggered?

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Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 25 2006
Posts: 255
You may try to find older Acrobat JavaScript documentation (for Acrobat 5 or so), and there is a diagram showing the Field Event Sequence.

You should also read and understand the event Object in the current Acrobat JavaScript documentation.


Max Wyss.

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Accepted Answer
The validate event gets triggered whenever the field value changes, either by user interaction, JavaScript, or importing form data. This is the preferred event to use when you need to do things that are based on the field value.

The OnBlur event only gets triggered when the field loses focus, which would normally only occur during user interaction. Note that it is triggered whether or not the field value changes. If you need to change the field appearance when the field loses the focus, this is the event to use.

Another good source of information is the AcroTeX PDF Blog, particularly #12-25.
The X
Registered: Mar 27 2011
Posts: 24
George_Johnson wrote:
Another good source of information is the AcroTeX PDF Blog.
This is excellent documentation for a newbie such as me. I found out a lot of answers I couldn't manage to google out correctly.