I've looked all over this site and in the Help files but can't find the answers.
Scripts like Lori's FlattenPDF and others ... where do they go in Acrobat 9? All instructions are for version 8 and prior. Here's what they say:
For Windows:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\Javascripts
For Intel-based Mac:
/Users//Library/Acrobat User Data/8.0_x86/JavaScripts
For PowerPC Mac:
/Users//Library/Acrobat User Data/8.0_ppc/JavaScripts
I don't think the "8.0" folders would work.
Also, do scripts written for 8 work in 9?
console.println("App JS folder: " + add.getPath('app', 'javascript');
console.println("User JS folder: " + add.getPath('user', 'javascript');
Usually only the version number needs to be changed.
George Kaiser