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Job Offered: Acrobat Report Form - Need Ongoing Creation Help

Registered: Apr 10 2009
Posts: 2


I created a rough using Acrobat 9 Pro Ext.

Looking for a professional finnish, report to have beginning, middle and end. Some color

Each report tends to have the logo of the insurance broker -so I am not sure if a logo can be dropped into one general form or if distinct report will need to be make for each insurance broker who works for a different firm.

2 page form. I have an old report so you can have a better idea of my need.

John Hubbard
johnhubbardpt [at] yahoo [dot] com

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
Virtual Architec
Registered: Sep 17 2007
Posts: 6
Hi John,
We do a lot of custom templates for our clients including their logos etc. If you want to send a copy over I will take a look and see what we could do for you.
