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2 website windows opening when clicking on hyperlink in pdf

Registered: May 7 2008
Posts: 2

Hi There

Can anyone help?

I created a document in Indesign and have saved it out as a PDF.

I then used Acrobat Pro 8 to add in a hyperlink to web address, and then saved it out again as a pdf.

The problem i have is when i go to view the pdf in Acrobat Reader and I click on the link to test it, two internet explorer windows instead of just one.

One opens and is blank, the other opens the link to the website that i want to use.

I have checked that i have not created 2 links over the top or next to each other, and double checked the web address is correct.

Can someone explain if i am doing something wrong, or is it the way my explorer is set up?

Any help would be grately appreciated.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Sarah,

Take a look at this Adobe Knowledge Base article and see if the IE fix mentioned solves this issue for you- this helps,

WindJack Solutions