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Acrobat 8.2.4 not creating PDF from Word 2003 on Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

Registered: Sep 18 2010
Posts: 3

I have been using Acrobat 8.2.3 with Windows 7 Professional 64-bit to create PDF from Word 2003 for some time with no problems. However, since the upgrade to version 8.2.4 I'm back to the problem that you may remember Adobe Acrobat had in the past and I thought had been well and truly fixed - It will now NOT covert PDF from Word 2003. Incidentally, the solution to this I found was to install all the current updates and since then I have diligently installed any new updates as they became available - however, the last upgrade seems to have broken thing again.
When I try to convert a Word 2003 doc file a dialogue box opens as if it is going to start the conversion then promptly closes - there is no error message!
Does anyone have a solution for this? Is there going to be an upgrade fix soon?
BTW The version number I have chosen from your form is 8.1.7 since 8.2.4 is not available on the list.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.7, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Adobe has only tested and updated Acrobat/Reader 9 with Windows 7. There is no plan to update versions 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.

For Office 2010 Adobe has announced only the next release of Acrobat will fully work, Acrobat 10 or X.

George Kaiser

Registered: Sep 18 2010
Posts: 3

Thanks for your quick response.

However, this is not good enough! Your last upgrade broke my copy of your product so I think it should be up to you to fix it - don't you? Well probably not! OK the world moves on but it was not a Windows update or any other product upgrade that caused this - it was your upgrade. Could a patch not be issued to roll back this upgrade to the version that worked?

The other option is to offer a substantial discount on version 9 - I'm a retired pensioner and can't afford the cost and version 8 was doing me just fine.

If I reinstall and stop the upgrades at version 8.2.3 will this get me a working system for the short time at least?

Best Regards



Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
This is a user community website - if you wish to make a formal request to Adobe for a new feature, or report a bug*, please do so via the official channels or it will not be considered:

As a registered user of Acrobat 8, you can upgrade to Acrobat 9 at a reduced cost - see the FAQ for details

*Despite Acrobat 8.1 being tested on 64-bit operating systems (Vista, Server 2003 and XP), Adobe makes no warranty that it will work on Windows 7 in every case, nor that updates to Windows and to third-party software such as Microsoft Office will not introduce new issues.
Registered: Sep 18 2010
Posts: 3
Thanks UVRAR.

That clears things up - I suppose I will just have to bight the bullet an upgrade.

Thanks again for pointing me at the FAQ

Best regards

