I have multiple PDFs that all the same page but saved as different files. Within each saved file I have a title on each such as "Type A" then the next is "Type B". These save fine when saved as their own files but once I combine them using insert pages it overwrites my typed information I have on each page.
For example instead of having a "Type A" page and the next being a "Type B" page they have all overwritten to say "Type A". Is there a way to disabel this feature? I am using Acrobat 9 standard. Thanks!
How, specifically, did you place the "title" entry into each PDF?
For example, perhaps you used a field and you have this field display the 'type' entry.
You copy-paste this into each PDF.
You change the 'type' value (A > B > C, etc.).
However, the field's name has not been changed.
Inserting the 'B', 'C', etc. PDFs into the 'A' PDF results in a single PDF with multiple fields that all have the same name.
Result is all fields will display the 'parent' ('A' PDF) field's display text.
For such a situation, go back to the individual PDFs and give each field a unique name.
Now, when 'B', 'C', etc. are inserted, in turn, into 'A' each uniquely named field retains its display text.
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