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Acrobat Reader 9 does not recognize type3 fonts

Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 9

I have documents that were converted to PDF using type 3 fonts. When trying to look at them in Reader 9.x the bottoms of some letters like g, y, and p get cut off. Is there any fix for this?

My Product Information:
Reader 9.1.3, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
It may be that your Type 3 fonts are missing operators, which makes them non-compliant with the PDF specification. Or, it just may be that the Type 3 fonts, which are bitmaps just aren't scaling well. Type 3 fonts don't contain hinting technology which improves the display capability.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for