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Acrobat X Pro crashes when trying to scan

Registered: Dec 18 2010
Posts: 2

I recently upgraded my computer to Windows 7 (32-bit). I used to have Acrobat Pro 6 when I was running WinXP, but I knew that wouldn't be compatable with Win7, so I went out and got Acrobat X Pro.
My scanner is part of my multifunction device: Samsung SCX-4720F
Acrobat X Pro installed fine, as did my scanner driver. When I attempt to Create a PDF from my scanner, Acrobat X crashes every time.
I've searched the web for the problem, and have seen posts by lots of other people who have the same or similar problem with Acrobe Pro 9 using Samsung scanners, but I found no solution. Haven't seen any posts about it for Acrobat X Pro yet, but I know it hasn't been out all that long.
The scanner works fine. I've used it with Omnipage Pro 17, with no problems.
Anyone have any ideas?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Are you using a scan preset? If so, trying creating a PDF without one. Are you showing or hiding your scanner's native interface? What data transfer method are you using (native or memory)?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Dec 18 2010
Posts: 2
I tried creating one using "Custom Scan" and it crashed, just like before.

I am not sure if I am hiding or showing my scanner's native interface. How do I check?

I also am not sure what data transfer method I am using. How do I check?

I'm just going off of the default settings, I guess. I haven't changed anything.

Registered: Aug 24 2011
Posts: 1
I just purchased Adobe Acrobat X Pro and am in the process of shopping around for a good 3-in-1 scanner that will work well with this software. I have used Adobe's readers in the past but not the full Acrobat version. I am running Windows Vista with Microsoft Office Home Edition (2007)on my laptop.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend any particular brands of a printer/scanner that work well with Acrobat X? Is there an on-line resource that recommends which printer/scanners work best with Acrobat X? One of the printer/scanners I have been considering is the HP Laserjet Pro M1536DNF. Any thoughts from anyone on which products work best with the software.
