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Adobe 9.x fonts will not fax on paper

Registered: Nov 15 2008
Posts: 4


I am used to using versions 7 and 8 in the following manner:
Enable typewriter toolbar
Type my comments on pdf forms (sent to me via right fax)
Directly fax those forms using my Right Fax
The receipient receives this on paper via their fax machine

When I did this in version 9
The receipient gets the forms WITHOUT the comments

I tried to fax this to myself and the forms are stripped of the comments and I get blank forms even in the right fax.

Is it something to do with the fonts not being embedded?

In any case is there any fix or workaround for this?
I have tried using the Courier font and using the "comment" function but both to no avail.
Thank you
Any replies deeply appreciated

mansinha1 [at] netzero [dot] net

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
The typewriter tool is a type of comment or annotation. Annotations do not print unless the annotations are specifically set in the Print UI. You can use JavaScript to flatten the PDF and force the annotations into the PDF as content and not annotations.

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 15 2008
Posts: 4
Thank you very much

A couple of clarifications if I may:

Like I mentioned; the comments entered using the typewritter tool were able to be printed in versions 7 and 8.

Is there a specific setting in the Print Section that I need to change on the v9.x software? I am presuming that the change needs to be at my end since the receipient recieves a paper fax.


(I am not a programmer and do not know how to use Javascript to flatten the file)

Thanks again