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Adobe Reader print issue

Registered: Jun 22 2011
Posts: 2

Hi all, i am facing a weird situation while printing PDF documents to network devices.
i tried to print a PDF document via adobe reader v9.4.4, and the print out came out gibberish. (click URL for photo)
it happens to my other colleagues who tried printing PDF docs via adobe reader.
what made the matter weirder, was when i tried to reprint about a minute later(just click on print>did not touch on the settings at all) the print job had no problem at all. and later on, this problem occurs again!
i am not able to update the application nor printer driver as these are managed by the I.T. dept.
please advise.
Thank you.

My Product Information:
Reader 9.4, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Can you provide more background on what OS you're using and if you're printing these PDFs from within Reader or your browser? If you're printing from a browser -- what one is it?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jun 22 2011
Posts: 2
hi,i'm using windows vista,printing via adobe reader,not using any browser.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
This sounds a lot like the problem associated with the Printing problems in 9.4.2 update. Are you sure this isn't related?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for