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Auto save PDF

Registered: Feb 10 2009
Posts: 2

Hi All,

Good Morning..

Im having a problem with auto PDF saving using vb6.0.

When im trying to covert from word to pdf,the pdf is asking save as dialogue box to save the pdf document in my vb code.

I want to supress the save as dialoge box.

My convert pdf file should automatically save in given location with out asking save as dialogue.

im using vb6.0. I instllaed acrobat standard 8.0 to cinvert.
Adobe PDF is the printer name

can any one please help on this.

My Vb code:

Dim savePrinter As String
Let savePrinter = wd.Application.ActivePrinter
Let wd.Application.ActivePrinter = m_pdfPrinter

Dim tempFile As String, pdfFile As String
Let tempFile = m_pdfPrintDir + "\" + m_fso.GetBaseName(wd.Name) + ".pdf"
Let pdfFile = pdfDir + "\" + m_fso.GetBaseName(wd.Name) + ".pdf"
' wd.Application.ActivePrinter = "Acrobat Distiller"

wd.PrintOut Background:=False
Dim i As Integer
Let i = 0
While Not m_fso.FileExists(tempFile) And i < 10
Sleep 500
Let i = i + 1
Let wd.Application.ActivePrinter = savePrinter
m_fso.MoveFile tempFile, pdfFile

Rama Krishna

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 18 2009
Posts: 5
Hi do you the know code behind for convert .aspx web page to PDF using acrobat reader.