Hello All,
I'm looking for an automated method of adding an external (JPEG) image into scanned image PDFs. Ideally, I'd like to use an Acrobat batch process to have the image permanently embedded into all of the PDF files in a folder, in the same position, sort of like a digital stamp. The image I'm embedding doesn't ever change, and it needs to become a permanent part of the PDF file.
Does anyone know how I might accomplish this with Acrobat Standard / Pro? Or with a third party plug-in?
1. Watermarks: This is the simplest method. If the document pages are always the same size, then wartermarks are the best option. This is a standard Batch Process command. First, create a one page PDF file the same size as your documents with the image in the correct position. Then create a batch sequence and add the watermark command to it.
2. Images can be imported into a form field button using JavaScript. If the document page sizes vary then use this method. the technique is to write a batch script that places a button on the PDF in the correct location for the image. You'll need some knowledge of PDF geometry to calculate the correct coordinates, and or scaling, depending on what you want. Then setup the button's parameters for image placement on the button, and import the image. Repeat this for every page in the PDF, then flatten the PDF. Flattening might be a problem here because it pushes all interactive elements into the PDF content, so this will only work well on documents that are already flat.
Thom Parker
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