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Batch convert email and attachments to PDF import to Excel for Index

Registered: Oct 2 2007
Posts: 25

This is for an adminstrative record that needs to be sumbitted to the courts.

I have 16,000 emails some with various attachments and some without. I need an automated process to convert the emails into separate pdfs as well as their attachments into separatre PDFs (attchments can remain embedded in PDF too).

All emails need to be exported to Excel listing each emails on a separate row with columns for email file name.pdf (needs to by hyperlinked), to, from, cc, bcc, subject, date, attachment file name, body of message, and bates stamp range. Each attachment must also appear on its own row and be related to its parent email.

All pages must be bates stamped.

I also have 6,500 pdf files. The naming convention includes the date, agency, and title. This needs to be imported into Excel, hyperlined to the PDF, and bates stamp range included in column. The file names can be parsed out to fill out the columns only thing really needed is the bates stamp range.

I know I can do some of this with Acrobat Pro 8 (which I have) and I also have a few macros. Does Acrobat Pro 9 do any of this functionality? Is there any software program out that there that does? Anyone have any suggestions. I have a very short turnaround.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Oct 2 2007
Posts: 25
I found this awesome tool called Amber Outlook. It's inexpensive and works wonderfully!!! I would recommend it to anyone.