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Bookmark linking to set page in second pdf

Registered: Feb 12 2009
Posts: 19

Can anyone help? Is there a way to create a link in my master PDF so it opens a specific page in another PDF? I don't know if I can use scripts because the files will be moving to a external hard drive with a different file set up. Either way would be appreciated!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You will have to understand "relative links" and "relative directory structures". If you move the files, you must keep the directory structure the same from the lowest common directory level on up. You can then use relative addressing in scripts, creating links, or going to page views. These links and scripts will work as long as the relative position in the directory tree remains the same. It makes no difference if created on or moved to a local drive, removable media, network drive or web site. But if you are going to open another PDF by a script, you will have to set the opened PDF's 'disclosed' properties to true.

George Kaiser