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Broken PDF Bookmarks from Word doc with Headings

Registered: Apr 29 2009
Posts: 5

This used to work with older versions of Acrobat Pro (I have the latest version of Acrobat 8 pro). I just author a Word doc which has headings, and then I use the Acrobat menu in Word to create the PDF, making sure "Create Bookmarks from Word Headings"is selected.

The resulting PDF does indeed have the PDF Bookmarks there correctly, but they do not point to the locations of the headings in the actual document. In other words, they're not really bookmarking anything.

Can someone confirm the workflow that is supposed to ensure the bookmarks will actually point to the heading locations? What else could be wrong?

Thanks in advance!


PS - Is there a way to attach/post files in this forum?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
In the Acrobat PDFMaker dialog, under the "Settings" tab, is "Add Links to Adobe PDF" selected?

To share files - go to [url=][/url]
Click "MyFiles" then "Begin" - Click Sign Up to obtain the Adobe ID.
Prior to use you may want to read through the "user guide" at:
You can download the PDF file (link in upper left) from this page.
Once a file is uploaded you can obtain a URL link that can be placed in a post to AUC.
The service is free.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Apr 29 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks for your help (cool site btw). I think I need to reinstall CS3 and possibly office.. :(
oh and yes, that checkbox was checked. I think my system is messed up...