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Button creation

Registered: Oct 11 2010
Posts: 9

I am using Adobe Pro version 8 and have created buttons as descriptors of a map #'s.
For example, Room #1-when mouse rollover on this room the description of the room will be displayed. I have accomplished this by entering the description of Room #1 in the Name Field of the Button.
The problem is that the name field of the button will not allow a period at the end of the last sentence of the description. Is this anything I can fix???
It appears that the name field of the button recognizes other punctuation at the end but not the period. I really need to figure out a way to end the sentence?
thank you,

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
You should specify the description text as the field's Tooltip text instead. You enter the tooltip text just below where you specify the field name.
Registered: Oct 11 2010
Posts: 9
thank you !