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Can hyperlink open in window of Adobe?

Registered: May 6 2009
Posts: 11

I have created a document in Microsoft that is full of hyperlinks. I used Save to PDF to create a PDF file and it works great. All the links seem to work.

BUT, they each open in a new window, so the reader would have to keep constantly closing windows again. Is there a way to have the windows open IN the adobe reader window so that the use could just hit the back button to return to the document?

My Product Information:
Reader 9.1, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
In the preferences dialog (press ctrl + k) you can activate the option "open cross-documents links in the same window" und the documents tab.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: May 6 2009
Posts: 11
Right. That does work for cross-document links (links to another spot within the document). But I want to open external URLs in the same window.

I doubt that it is possible, but I thought I would ask.
Registered: May 6 2009
Posts: 11
Hmmm. If you just open adobe reader and open the file, you can't open the URLs in the same window. Not that I have figured out, anyway. But if you right click the file and open it with Internet explorer, it works good!