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Combine pdf's based on a file structure rollup?

Registered: Sep 15 2008
Posts: 3

I have a directory tree structure set up in specific group order such that:

--Typea pdf's
--Typeb pdf's
--Typec pdf's
--Typea pdf's
--Typeb pdf's

What I'd like to do is to have all Type2/Typea Pdf's combined (so that the bookmarks get generated off the filename), then all Type2/Typeb combined, then have these two combined under Type2 (to have a nested bookmark). Then do the same thing with all the Type1/* combinations, and then combine Type1 & Type2 for full nesting. Basically, I just want a single, overall pdf that mimics the directory structure here through its bookmarks. I have a little strip program that I can run to get rid of the .pdf extensions from the file names, but if these still exist in the end product that is ok.

I have Adobe Acrobat Pro and can't figure out how to do this task. What I'd like is something where I just gave it the path\filenames (these names are probably not going to change) and feed it this script to process. Any suggestions or hints? I would like to stay away from dragging and dropping, and since the end product will *not* be viewed in 9, I can't use the portfolio type.

Thanks so much,


Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Although it's not exactly what you're looking for, you might find the sample [url=]Batch Sequences[/url] helpful for some of this process. There is a batch sequence that describes how to:
- Gather bookmarks to a document (from selected files)
- Copy bookmarks from an array
- Insert bookmarked pages

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for