I need to convert a multi-page TIF file, containing images ranging from 8.5"x11" up to 36"x50", to a PDF via the Adobe print driver. I have been unable to locate a configuration that allows me to preserve original image dimensions. It appears I am forced to choose a specific page size. Can anyone help?
Thank you
send to michaelejahn [at] gmail [dot] comI have a few plug-ins, but I do not have a multipage TIFF file example that has different page sizes to test.
Are they C4 files ?
Michael Jahn
Application Support Specialist
Compose Systems Inc, USA.
4740 Northgate Blvd. Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Tel: (916) 920-3838 ext 102
Fax: (916) 923-6776
Email: michaelejahn [at] composeusa [dot] com
Web: www.composeusa.com