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Converting Documents

Registered: Mar 19 2007
Posts: 2

Despite the very careful wording of the hype in advertising, Acrobat Professional does NOT seem to convert "multiple documents" of "different sources" to PDF format, other than a simple jpeg or other image file, or a web page. I had expected the blurbs to be accurate about converting documents from all the different sources they list in the hype, but in fact, it seems that I have to convert them all myself manually before I can collect them, package them or otherwise use them within Acrobat. I have 20,000 documents to manage and expected the software to be able to automatically convert them for me. So much for truth in hype advertising. Even within the program it tells you it can convert them, then in the fine print says it can't. How am I suppose to know what to purchase if I can't find the "fine print" that explains all the limitations NOT described in the hype advertising? Wht a frustrating experience this trial has been.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Macintosh
Registered: Dec 31 2005
Posts: 848
It would help us out a little if you could tell us what platform you're working on and what application documents you're trying to convert.

We haven't noticed any hype advertising that is misprepsenting the product or it's capabilities.

First off, double check your PDF conversion preferences. When you open Preferences and click Convert to PDF in the left pane you'll see a list of supported formats shown in the right pane.

You'll note that MS Office Files on the Mac are not supported if using a Mac and certain other file types on both platforms are not supported.

If you are converting files that are supported by Acrobat, you might want to look at the number of files you are trying to convert. There might be a limitation with the number of files. I hope you're not trying to convert all 20,000 at one time.

Also, check to see if a sample of individual files can be converted. You might have font issues or some other problem with your source documents.

The bottom line is that there is not a misrpepresentation by Adobe, but perhaps a problem we need to run down.


The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.