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Create PDF from Word with Acrobat 9.1 uses PDF Library not Distiller

Registered: Mar 1 2010
Posts: 4

Using Word 97 (Windows) and Acrobat Pro, when creating a PDF from a Word doc the PDF properties used to show Application = Acrobat PDFMaker 8.1 for Word and Producer = Acrobat Distiller 8.1.0 (Windows).

I upgraded to Acrobat Pro 9.1 and now PDFs show Application = Acrobat PDFMaker 9.1 for Word and Producer = Adobe PDF Library 9.1. No changes were made to my Word options.

I need the PDF documents to use Distiller, as they are processed by a program that doesn't work with them now. What changed in 9.x release and how do I change it back?

I downloaded updates yesterday and now have Acrobat Pro 9.3.1 and the problem remains the same

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
You did not mention what the program is that no longer functions.
Perhaps some report generation application/routine?
Having upgraded to the current release of Acrobat, the code used by the program in question will most likely need to be edited to restore functionality.

To "go back" to an earlier Acrobat.
Uninstall Acrobat 9.x.
Install the desired earlier release of Acrobat from the install media it came with.

Some background:
PDFWriter stopped being the "default" install with Acrobat 5.
It was available on the Acrobat 5 install media.
From Acrobat 6 forward, Adobe PDFMaker has been the means of developing interactive PDFs from MS Office applications.

If no interactive (links, bookmarks, etc) features are needed Office application output can be printed to PDF via the Adobe Printer which is installed during an Acrobat install.

Acrobat 6 and newer do not support, via PDFMaker, Office 97.
However, printing to the Adobe Printer would still function.
This would process the print job through the installed Distiller.


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Registered: Mar 1 2010
Posts: 4
Error in original post (sorry), I'm actually using Word 2007, which uses PDFMaker and that is fine. The problem is that now the "Producer" using Acrobat Pro 9.1 shows as PDF Library and not Distiller when creating a PDF from a Word doc.

If I produce the PDF by printing to the Adobe Printer yes, it uses Distiller - but now the Application is no longer PDFMaker and the program using the resulting PDF (proprietary code that cannot be changed) does not function. My question is, Acrobat 8.1 and earlier versions used Distiller as the Producer from Word but 9.1 doesn' there a reason (what changed?) and is there a way to overcome this and still be able to create a PDF from Word that uses Distiller as the Producer (not by printing)?

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
My take on it.
For PDFMaker (Acrobat 9) to provide the Embed Video, Embed 3D, and releated features specific to Acrobat 9 the PDF Library has to be used.

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Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
To add on to Dave's point, it's Office 2007 that uses the PDF Library when using the PDFMaker in Acrobat 9. If you use Office 2003 with Acrobat 9, it still uses Distiller.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jun 29 2010
Posts: 1
Okay, I know this post is a bit old, but I's having no luck. I have the acrobat tab in Office 2007 but the Enbed Video and Embed 3D are not showing up. Any suggestions?
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Any suggestions?
Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
[url=]Product Matrix[/url]

[i]Embed video in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint and convert to FLV in PDF
Convert 3D content to PDF...[/i]

If you have Acrobat 9 Pro Extended installed you may want to give the "repair" feature a go.

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