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Creating PDF's on the fly

Registered: Jan 8 2010
Posts: 4

I have developed a website that needs to create a number of reports in PDF format using data produced in PHP. I also need to create debit and credit notes based in PDF based on information calculated by the website.

I have tried a method of developing templates in QuarkXpress, exporting as PDF, with data tags in the positions where that I want populated by data from the website i.e. data_account_no where I need the account number to be.

This has worked to a point, but is very unstable. Letters are omitted, numbers are missing etc.

Is there another way of doing this??

Thanks in advance

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 6.0, Unix/Linux
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Use one of the PHP libraries that create PDF documents directly - PDFlib, TCPDF, FPDF, etc.