Hi all, I'm pretty new to acrobat, so I'm figuring out some things as I go along. Hope to hear advices and explanations from the experts here!
Anyway, while I wanted to convert my word document to PDF in Word 2007 (I have Acrobat 9 installed), I noticed there were two options I could go about it. One is to use the save-as option, the other is use print and use the Adobe PDF printer driver. My question is, what are the differences between these two methods? I tried looking up the Internet, is it a PostScript thing or something? I'm pretty clueless about such stuff.
Another is, when I tried to convert the document, some of the images turned out weird. I figured out it has to do with some transparency flattening issue. It works with the Press Printing preset and some others, but which setting or option is it in the preset that actually enables support for the live transparency issue?
Thanks for willing to help!
Some things to look over that can affect images.
Look over the Images settings in the Distiller job option used. You may want to customize and Save As to a new job option.
Look over the Convert to PDF category in Acrobat's Preferences.
Edit > Preferences
Scroll down the supported file types. For some, the settings can be edited.
Be well...
Be well...