Hello, I need some help with an issue. I work in a hospital and our medical records department needs to be able to create cd's with patient records on them for insurance audits. The system has been setup and working for a few years without any issues until two weeks ago. The department prints the record from the EMR to a print queue which is actually a computer in the back of the office. This computer grabs the record using RPM and then passes it to Acrobat Distiller to convert it to a PDF. Two weeks ago we started getting errors about missing fonts and a postscript error. I was able to download the missing fonts but I still get the postscript error. I have recreated this setup on another computer and duplicated the same results/same error. I originally started this with Acrobat 7 Std and have since replaced it with Acrobat Std 9 but it did nothing to resolve the issue. I've been doing this long enough to know that the analysts tha deal with the EMR probably changed something with the way the records are compiled but they are not admitting to doing anything (typical). Instead they are telling me there is something wrong with adobe and want me to contact adobe support to find out about the error. I'd rather ask here first.... I have copied the error below.
%%[ Error: limitcheck; OffendingCommand: save ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ]%%
"limitcheck" indicates the input to Distiller "exceeds printer's memory or PostScript language limit."
"save" indicates a problem with any element or graphic.
[url=http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/328/328515.php ]TechNote ID: 328515; "Troubleshoot PostScript errors"[/url]
The issue resides with the provided "input" rather than with Adobe Distiller/Acrobat/PDF.
As the "input" is from a separate process, it would appear that the problem & its resolution lie there.Be well...
Be well...