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Excel to PDF - not all tabs created at one time

Registered: Feb 21 2008
Posts: 2

I'm using excel 2003 and Acrobat 6.0, and when I try to create a PDF file from multiple tabs, it's only creating pages for a couple of tabs and I'm prompted for new file names for the remainder of tabs (sometimes multiple times, depending on the number of tabs I'm trying to create a PDF from). I presume there's a setting that will allow me to create one file for all the tabs I've selected?

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
You don't mention how you're creating the PDF (i.e., PDFMaker macro in Excel or through the print to Adobe PDF menu in Excel). Only Acrobat 6.0.1 supported Excel 2003 PDF creation through the PDFMaker macro.

Sometimes when you have varying print settings for your worksheets Acrobat cannot correctly interpret the way Excel sends multiple print jobs. Make sure that the print quality setting is the same for all of the worksheets in the workbook.

1. In Excel, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Shift key (Mac OS), and select all of the sheets in the Excel workbook.

2. Choose File > Page Setup > Page > Print Quality, and select a print quality setting. Adobe Technical Support recommends that you select 600 dpi, which is the default setting for the Adobe PDF and Acrobat Distiller printers.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Feb 2 2009
Posts: 1
I too have the same problem.

So far I've been trying these solutions:

1) Setting all page setups to exactly the same: margins, print quality to 600dpi, setting identical alignment for every tab and even removing the header and footer.
2) Removing every printing area in the workbook.
3) Using the Archive/Print/Adobe PDF feature or the PDF Maker Macro
4) Switching off the PDF-Maker macro
5) Selecting the Adobe PDF/Print the entire workbook feature
6) Copying the sheets into a new workbook
7) Copying the data into a new workbook
8) Removing links to external data
9) Copying and and then pasting only the values

I don't know if I've covered all the different methods I've tried. Still nothing seems to work. And there are more things that are strange: only a few of the tabs seems give me a prompt for a new PDF-document, for example: If I choose tab one and three everytning works fine but if I choose tab one, two and three then I get prompted for another PDF-document.

I've been spending two days trying to solve this problem now. Don't tell me this is a feature in Acrobat Professional.

Running Version 7.0