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Fonts degrade when printing to PDF

Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 5

Since about 1 week I notice an extreme degradation of the fonts [book anitqua] which I use in InDesign when I print them with the Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro into a pdf - even though I have not changed any of my normal setting which used to work perfect. Is there anything Acrobat has been changed which one needs to take care of?

I use these settings all the time and I have not changed anything in my workflow but suddenly the fonts look jaggered and awful - yet the charts and images look still perfect. I checked my settings and took all downsampling, compress text and line art etc. out - but nothing seems to work.

I would be very grateful for help as I simply am out of my wits.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Windows
Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 2
Hi Karina,

Well... if you dont changed anything in Acrobat...the problem is the FONT.
I've experienced many problems cause acrobat distiler and his dammed check font. Sometimes a hundreds (maybe a thousents) fonts instaled in your system, cause conflicts. A question: Your font is TTF, OPT or PS? If same font is instaled in TTF and PS, the system may change a correct font. Othertimes a partner send a font in a package, and we install them.. but her font is damaged, old versioned, subseted or is`nt a entire family. Again our font cause problems...

My issue... try reinstall font.

Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 5
Nearly all of my fonts are .TTF or .otf files. What you write makes sense to me. As I never did this before, could you let me know where you reinstall the fonts? Under the normal file where the operating system stores the fonts or does the Adobe Acrobat access another folder. I made serveral searches to see if Adobe has a special folder for it, but could not find anything. A 1000 thanks for your help. Karina
Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 2

My advice is: Download and install a font manager.
Is very easy to control, view, install e desinstall font in your system.
In manager you can put a text example and see your fonts problems.

Definely your problem isnt in acrobat, but sometimes acrobat can "make-up" this problem using a correct local font insted a damaged embed font! To reveal real using font in acrobat uncheck "Use local fonts". To do it.. follow help:

Preview PDFs without local fonts
You can create a printable preview of your document that substitutes default fonts for any text formatted in fonts that are available on your local machine but are not embedded in the PDF. This can help you decide whether or not to embed those local fonts in the PDF, to achieve the look you want for your document.

In Acrobat, choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Acrobat 8 > Preferences (Mac OS.
Under Categories, select Page Display, and then deselect Use Local Fonts.
Note: If a font cannot be substituted, the text appears as bullets, and Acrobat displays an error message.

You're welcome!
Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 5

A 1000 thanks... it took me a while to implement all your suggestions...but it worked --- I am really delighted! Your description was perfect.

Wishing you a great day!
