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Getting bookmarks to be accurate for Figures and Tables

Kristan K
Registered: May 19 2009
Posts: 6

Hi all,

I'm a technical writer who combines word-based PDFs with various styles of model-based PDFs (eg from Solidworks, AutoCAD, etc) and eventually I output a combined user manual.

I'm using Acrobat Pro 9 for creating/editing my PDFs from word 2003, and am having some issues with getting the Figure and Table styles to come through as appropriate bookmarks.

To get the figures/tables to be included in the standard bookmarks of the PDF, I went into the settings within word for the PDF creator ("Acrobat PDFMaker" settings) and selected the Bookmarks tab, and then added to the already existing styles which are bookmarked. Namely "caption" which covers the figures and tables that I've got setup as styles and fully cross-referenced and all that within the documents. I have told it to associate the level of captions as 2 - but the problem is, the level of them can be anywhere from 2 to 5! There are lots of heading levels, all of which can have a figure or table underneath them.

The resulting pdfs have Figure/Table bookmarks splattered throughout the bookmark list - not in any particular hierarchy because they are arbitrarily sitting at Level 2.

Is there some way that I'm missing to setup the bookmarks for fields to actually automatically reflect what heading they are under? My documents can have a few hundred tables and/or figures in them, so manually moving them to be in the right place is really wearing on me quickly!

I have a snapshot of an example of both the way I want them (or similar to!) and what it does currently, but I don't have the facilities to put it on a website easily.

Any help would be appreciated!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.1, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
I have a snapshot of an example of both the way I want them (or similar to!) and what it does currently, but I don't have the facilities to put it on a website easily.
Go to
Select MyFiles.
Click on the "Begin" button.
Click on the "Sign Up" button.
Provide an email address and a password.
When you log in to this free service you can upload many file types and share them.

To share:
--| signed in to your account on
--| go to "My Files"
--| select the "View as thumbnails" file view - this makes it easier to get to the down caret in the lower right.
--| for the file that you want to provide a link to - -
--| click the down caret symbol
--| this opens a menu
--| select "Copy Link"
--| the link is now on the clipboard (Windows OS)
--| paste this into the body of a post to AUC
--| link will be in the submitted post

Be well...

Be well...

Kristan K
Registered: May 19 2009
Posts: 6
OK so unfortunately from this work computer I can't get the acrobat page to work (I can't do updates on this machine, and it won't load without them!)... so I took an alternative route... apologies that these are a little big in displaying here... I want them to be easily read given they are not in English - but you should be able to get the idea ;)

I realise that I'll always have to change the colours manually but if they can just be organised like the second one - so the figures/tables are in the right section for where they physically are in the document - it would be a big help.

This is how it is currently spitting them out:

This is how I want them to be organised:

I should add... another issue it seems to have with creating the figures from word is that it drops the "-" from between the figure numbers (eg Figure 1-1 is now Figure 11)... another thing I manually have been having to fix!

Any ideas at all welcome...!!!!!!

Thanks :)