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HELP: How does PDFMaker work with interfacing applications???

Registered: Jul 1 2008
Posts: 2

Hi all,

(Hopefully this is the correct forum to be posting in)

I am hoping someone here can point me in the right direction. At this stage I am not certain where the issue is, if it is Adobe PDFMaker/Adobe Reader or Sage so thought I would also in addition to posting on the Sage sites post here.

Essentially we are trying to add our branding to the bottom of our invoices within Sage and looks great within the Report Designer but as soon as we try and create a PDF of the invoice from Sage itself it adds a 10mm bleed around the entire document. So my question for this thread is not about Sage but about how applications interface with the PDFMaker to create the document and is it possible to access the properties in which a PDF gets created?

I’m not really sure how it works when an application that has the option Save As > PDF and then what happens next …what rules are applied to the export when the document is created.

I tested briefly in Word by pulling in the branding and got it sitting as it should (right to the edge) and then saved out as a PDF and the inserted logo in the newly created PDF document looks as it should. Obviously if you then go and print it you will get the bleed area but for our purposes the PDF is for display use only so in this scenario Word is not dictating if there should be a bleed area so I’m guessing the issues lies with how Sage interfaces with PDFMaker?

Any help on PDFMaker/Adobe Reader would be greatly appreciated.


My Product Information:
Reader 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
PDF creation in software applications outside of Adobe can vary greatly in how they've been implemented. Some software developers write their own Save As PDF capability (this is possible because the PDF format is openly published), some use the PDF libraries (from Adobe) and others suggest that you purchase Acrobat to perform this function. Therefore, the answer to your question is dependent on knowing how the Save As PDF capability was implemented in Sage. If you find out that Sage recommends using Acrobat to create PDFs then it possible that this forum can help troubleshoot the issue.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for