Hi - I am not able to create a PDF from a QuarkXpress 5 file anymore. I recently upgraded to Acrobat 9 Professional and it just stopped. I keep getting the following error:
Error: typecheck: OffendingCommand: ashow
At the end of the log is says: Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced.
I cannot find anything on how to fix this and I am not advanced to troubleshoot this on my own. The Quark file is over 100 pages and has various fonts and images.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Pedro,
Not a QuarkXpress user but after rooting about for some truffles I
came across some information in Adobe TN/Kb articles that may be of interest.
A common refrain in the QuarkXpress/Acrobat TechNotes/Kb articles
is that Adobe does not support the creation of PDF files from QuarkXpress.
However, "...information is provided as a courtesy..."
And, fairly consistently, it is suggested that one updates to the latest
version of QuarkXpress. Another suggestion is to disable the OPI Xtension in
QuarkXPress 5.0.
A thread on Adobe's Acrobat Macintosh forum has a post that states
Acrobat 9 will not work with Quark 6.52 (which Quark no longer supports,
so I'd hazard guess that QarkXpress 5.x is not supported as well is & likewise, not functional with Acrobat 9).
So, after a toss of the chicken bones, my guess is that you may need to
roll back to an earlier release of Acrobat or roll forward to the current
Quark/QuarkXpress application.
Be well...
Be well...