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HELP ~ Trying to setup an editable pdf from an excel document

Registered: Sep 14 2008
Posts: 6

I am having no problems with exporting my excel spreadsheet (which has many built-in formulas) to a PDF viewable document.
What I would like to do is export the file to pdf permanently, but I would have to beable to use editable fields that can identify the formulas I am currently using in excel.
I'm not having much luck on my own. Any help is appreciated.

I am currently running Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Unfortunately Acrobat does not provide for this kind of conversion. All active content is lost when the excel file is converted. Baically it's turned into a picture.

But you are not the first person to ask about this. In fact lots of people have been interested in this kind of conversion for a long time. At this point your only option with an Adobe solution is to recode all the formulas as PDF calculations. A tedius task at best.

I have not heard of any 3rd party tools that will make this exact kind of conversion, but one may exist, and a google search for "excel to PDF" turns up lots of products. You never know, maybe someone has implemented this.

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