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Hide a Page(s) in PDF

Registered: Dec 7 2008
Posts: 5

Can someone point me in the right direction to find out how to create multi page PDFs, (say 50 pages), and hide pages 13 thru 50. Unless a password is given, the the user would be able to see all 50 pages.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
There's not really a way to do that. There are several ways to hide the page contents, but the pages would still be present.

One of those ways is to use layers and control their visibility with JavaScript. Thom Parker wrote a nice article that discusses this a bit:

Note that this method cannot be considered secure, but it will prevent most users from viewing the content. If it has to be secure, there are several different approaches you can consider:

1. Use an open password for the entire document.
2. Use a PDF package, which has now evolved to a Portfolio with Acrobat 9, to split your content up between documents that do not have an open password and ones that do.
3. Use some sort of digital rights management (DRM) approach, but this would require more than Acrobat.
