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How do I create a table of contents in a PDF file?

Registered: Jun 15 2007
Posts: 4

I am trying to create a table of contents in a PDF file. How do I do so? I have a document in Microsoft Word that has a table of contents that loses the links when coverted to a PDF. The links in the word document take you from the table of contents to a tag in another area of the document. How do I make a table of contents in a PDF File?

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
The PDF Macro in Word has the conversion options to convert the links within Word to links within a PDF as bookmarks or link on the page in Word. You will have to crate a TOC with links in Word. You will have to set PDF Maker's conversion settings to include the "convert Cross Document Links" (Office tab), and for the TOC entries as bookmarks, select the level of TOC entry of 1 - 9 on the "Bookmarks" tab.

George Kaiser