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How to have page layout and zoom features set when creating PDF files

Registered: Jan 19 2007
Posts: 16

I have yet to figure out how to have all the PDF files that we generate setup so that the file Page Layout is always set to Single Page and the Zoom is always set to Fit Page without having to batch process the files with these pre-defined settings. Is there a way to setup Acrobat to do this without needing to batch process?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
These settings are associated with each individual PDF and they can either be set manually (under the document Properties) or in batch. Unfortunately, there is not a way to set them during the PDF creation process but this would make a good [url=]feature request[/url].

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jan 29 2007
Posts: 1
I have two related problems. I'm using Acrobat Pro 9 Extended and Acrobat Reader 9.

I created a PDF that uses forms. It has a left column with navigation links (implemented with action buttons) similar to a web page. The links enable the user to randomly move around the document.

I set the zoom level (in Edit Preferences and Document Properties) to 75%. When I open the document in the Acrobat Reader, it opens the first page at the specified zoom level. But, as soon as I click on a link to another page, it reverts to full page width. That's annoying, but worse... one page always opens at 75%! This was a page that I inserted from another PDF file.

How can I get all of the pages to be consistent with the settings? Or are those settings strictly for the initial opening page?

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